Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Tomatoes, too!

Not the first, but the second, third and fourth of the season. Just a few little tiny Sungolds, the largest only about a 1/2 inch across, but HUGE flavor, oh, so sweet. I've never had these before, but will definitely be putting them in the garden again. The plant is getting huge (it's over 6 feet tall already and has tons of greenies still growing and hundreds of blossoms just getting started. Here's a shot of it from 2 weeks ago with most of it at 4+ feet tall and one branch well over 5 feet (with the heavily producing basil, beneath it). Please ignore the crab grass and my neighbors garage...



cheryl said...

I think I found your blog while reading Rosie's blog...I live in Upper Arlington... I just picked 2---and it is 7/31....AND they could have stayed on the plant a couple of more just couldn't wait..Garden tomatoes are my 1st pick of favorite foods....Your son was super impressive with making such a great job...My daughter, who will be 10 at the end of August also loves good food, but it seems baking is her thing...
best wishes to you and your family and your :)

Chris and his Tomatoes said...

You're such a successful gardener! My tomatoes are not even half the height and my basil plants keep dying. Sigh. More practice for me.