Recipes, Restaurant reviews, musings & rants...
I'm just an ordinary guy trying to feed his family & I love food! Cooking it, shopping for it, learning about it & of course, eating it! And I love watching my family enjoy what I make for them. I am definitely NOT a chef, though someday, maybe someday, I'll try culinary school & learn to do things the "right way". In the mean time, I'll keep doing what I do, trying new things, learning product, technique & trying to share it with you.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Danger!!! ¡¡¡Peligro!!! Ah, Unagi...
I even found it on YouTube en Español and it just proves what a truly funny show it was, cause I don't really understand many of the words (they're talking WAY too fast for me),but I still laughed my ass off...
Friday, March 30, 2007
First Sushi - Summer Rolls
There's also has a sushi counter... Yeah, I know what you're probably thinking, sushi from the grocery store? Are you crazy? Well, no, I'm not - there was the sushi chef at the gleamingly clean counter, making it up fresh and it looked pretty good - see for yourself - this is what we bought for our first taste of sushi:

So the next week Boogie and I returned to the same store and, of course, we had to stop and pick up an other pack of sushi, and at Boogie's insistence, a different kind this time. I'm not exactly sure what these are called, but again, they're a pretty basic roll - Seaweed wrapped around rice around surimi, packaged with some wasabi, soy sauce and a bit of sweet/hot pickled ginger.
Boog couldn't wait to break into it when we got home. First, though, he had to get his chopsticks out (Hold-Stix), and a small bowl for his soy sauce, then he dug in; I have no idea where he learned to eat sushi, but he from what I know, he did it just right:
Between the 3 of us, we ate most of the pack right then and we all liked it. and Boogie finished the remaining few pieces for lunch the next day. So this weekend, we''ll be returning to try something new again, some nigiri this time, maybe even unagi (or as Ross Geller from Friends would say, Danger!!! or ¡¡¡Peligro!!! I never knew Friends was so funny in Spanish!), aka barbecued eel.
We'll see how long this sushi adventure lasts. So far, it's been pretty interesting.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Grapefruit snacking
The grapefruit have been off to a great start, though, firm, juicy, very sweet, and not too tart, especially the pink ones. I usually peel them, separate the segments and remove the membranes leaving nice bare naked hunks of sweetness. We sprinkle them with a little Turbinado sugar
then grab a fork.
One word of warning, though: Grapefruit juice has been shown to have some health consequences as well as benefits. Grapefruit juice, even in small amounts, has been shown to have well documented drug interactions with prescribed medications, such as Calcium channel blockers, Statins, and others. See this site for some more details.
So enjoy, but be careful!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Feeling "Humble"

I’ve written mostly about recipes and a few restaurants on this blog; this is the first I’m writing about a city – an entire city – sort of… A few months back I added a “Site meter” to Lorence’s Kitchen to do some site tracking.
But one place that kept popping up on the Site Meter report over the past several weeks caught my eye, and I noticed it because of it's name: Humble, Texas.
I’m sure (ok, so I’m not sure, but I hope) that I have a few “friends” out there who stop by here on a regular basis, but this particular entry on the report just stood out to me, so I went looking for Humble. Wasn’t too hard to find, I just used my ol’ pal Google like I do whenever curiosity gets the best of me and found Humble right where I expected it –
Ok, so that’s not really funny… I had no idea where in
So to my visitor from Humble, leave me a comment, say hello, tell me what you like about Lorence’s Kitchen and what I can do better. To the rest of my visitors, stop by their webpage, & stop into town on your way through. I’ll bet you get more than a few friendly “howdy’s”.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Hold-Stix in action

In addition to all the re-runs we had last week, we also went to P.F. Changs and had the Chang's spicy chicken ("Lightly dusted and stir-fried in a sweet Sichuan sauce", according to the menu). Very good, tangy and spicy warm and we'll have it again. It was a nice change from our usual at chang's, spicy ground chicken and eggplant, especially since we knew we'd be making our own version at home later in the week.
We brought his Hold-Stix with us (we never go for Chinese without them), but this time he used the real thing, the chopsticks provided at the restaurant, and did quite well even with those little hands of his. Of course, he had his usual Garlic Noodles, but he liked our spicy chicken, too, and was able to pick them up handily. He never ceases to amaze me!
If you're having trouble with chopsticks yourself, there are several good "how to use chopsticks" guides on these here internets, like this one and this one. These chopstick FAQ's also have some other interesting information, like these warnings:
- Avoid sticking your chopsticks into your rice straight down. It's bad manners, because it resembles the incense that family members burn to mourn a dead relative. When done put chopsticks over bowl and lay them flat.
- Avoid passing food with the chopsticks. As in the previous warning, this resembles a section of the traditional Japanese funeral, where the family members pass bones using chopsticks. Instead, when passing food, place the food on an intermediary plate, preferably using a serving utensil or, if none is provided, turn your chopsticks around so the ends that have not been in your mouth touch the food, then give the plate to whomever.
- Chinese etiquette says that you may lift your personal rice bowl close to your mouth with one hand, as you use the chopsticks to push the rice into your mouth. However, Korean etiquette says this is very bad form! Be aware of the people you are eating with, and what the customs are.
- Also do not cross your chopsticks, because in Chinese cultures this is a symbol for death. Always lay them parallel to each other.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Re-runs and Updates
We also did the Carribean pork again, photos and all. Leftovers were enjoyed as well, and it was even better the second day!
BTW, the large spoon in the photo of the black beans cooking is part of the set of utensils I took when I left home the last time before my final year of college. It's part of an old Ecko Flint vanadium stainless steel set. I have most of the pieces, which I believe my mother received as a gift more than 45 years ago:

We also had the Sausage Pasta with Goat Cheese (sorry, I forgot to take photos again...), and the shrimp etouffe, too. It was quite a tasty week!
UPDATE: 3/19/07 11:00 P.M.
I just won an Ebay auction (yeeha!) of a six piece set of the Ecko Utensils described above, including a Potato Masher, a Ladle, a Slotted Spoon, a Pancake Spatula, an Offset Spatula, & a Meat Fork. The picture below is from the auction:
I have the spatula, masher, ladle and fork, but I've always wanted the slotted spoon & didn't know about the offset splatula 'til last week. And the fork is going to be a great addition since mine has a crack at the very top of the bakelite - it's been that way as long as I can remember, 30 or more years at least. This makes my second set that more complete!